The interior

Land of fire

In Lanzarote you are very close to paradise. Here all is calm nature and serenity. Travelling to this unusual land will allow you to discover a unique volcanic beauty that coexists in harmony with protected areas, lovely traditions, colourful festivities and a delicious gastronomy. A land of contrasts, it is ideal to be discovered walking, cycling, by hang-glider or climbing its cliffs full of history. Full of charming places and hotels, with the best canary taste, taking one of its hiking routes is always a good option.


La Geria is a must. A vast area in the centre of Lanzarote, taken by recent lava, where several volcanic cones stand above.  In this region people continue working vineyards in a traditional and unique way, producing wines renowned worldwide for their flavour and texture. Get along with the friendly local people and discover a cheerful town, which has blended art, architecture and tourist development with the environment. Los Jameos del Agua, Los Verdes Cave, the Cactus Garden and Mirador del Río are clear examples of César Enrique’s amazing philosophy. Visit Montañas del Fuego, at the National Park of Timanfaya, where you can savour a meal cooked with the volcano’s heat, on an active crater. 


Did you know...?

The history of wine in Lanzarote

La Geria, a spectacular vine landscape

One of the most genuine images of Lanzarote is La Geria, with its extraordinary vineyards dotted with strong contrasts.  Lanzarote is known as the "impossible vineyard", where vine has been grown for ages in a traditional way. In spite of the dry climate, soil covered by volcanic ashes and the Saharan winds, nothing has stopped the inventiveness of the locals, who have had the knowledge to challenge nature and convert their land in unique landscapes.  Travel to La Geria and discover an astonishing spot known as “artificial craters”, which was created to allow grapevines root under a thick layer of ashes, reaching 2 metres of depth. They dig an inverted cone in the ashes, in order to allow the roots reach the fertile soil. Also the vineyards are protected from the Saharan winds by volcanic rock walls, which can reach a height of 70 cm. The result of this arduous and handmade process: a unique landscape in the world, catalogued as Protected Landscape and an excellent volcanic wine with its own D.O., which you must taste if you travel to Lanzarote. We propose you discover this lands wines and culture in the two wine routes. Start of your journey with your five senses.

Unique places

Discover its volcanic centre

Timanfaya's dromedaries

In the southwest of Lanzarote, you will find one of the four National Parks of the Canary Islands.  It is Parque Natural de Timanfaya, Unesco World Heritage site, created to preserve the volcanic landscapes that appeared after the 18th Century’s violent eruptions.  After that episode, the island increased by a third its size. More than two centuries later, in that area you will find lava and ash fields, impossible cold lava formations, artificial geysers, Los Hervideros... 25 craters erected in a nearly apocalyptic landscape, with no vegetation. An infernal appearance, as that of the figure of the devil at the entrance. Don’t miss the restaurant and viewpoint El Diablo, designed by César Manrique, and the renowned echadero de los camellos from where you can go around the Timanfaya riding on a dromedary. A unique souvenir without any doubt.

Further information

Organise your trip

How do I get there?

Where can I stay?

Medical Assitance

Currency and Customs

Useful telephone numbers

Tourist information offices

The weather in Lanzarote

Check the weather forecast for your holiday

Monthly forecast
  • Jan20.4º13.7º
  • Feb21.2º13.9º
  • Mar22.5º14.6º
  • Apr23.0º15.0º
  • May24.2º16.3º
  • Jun25.7º18.1º
  • Jul27.8º19.9º
  • Aug28.8º20.7º
  • Sep28.4º20.4º
  • Oct26.3º18.7º
  • Nov23.9º16.8º
  • Dec21.4º14.8º