
Life-giving nature

Jaén, inland paradise


An inland paradise waiting to be discovered, with olive groves as far as the eye can see, the source of the exquisite oil that gives flavour and personality to its rich cuisine. A wealth of protected natural spaces and Renaissance towns declared World Heritage Sites are found in this province.

Admire a setting

like no other in the world

Cazorla, the perfect setting for nature lovers

If you're a true nature lover, this destination cannot be left out from your travel plans: you'll enjoy hiking along breathtaking trails and paths, beside transparent rivers and streams, and through never-ending forests that are the natural habitat of wild animals. Jaén is the Andalusian province with the greatest extension of protected areas, thanks mainly to the Natural Park of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas, with its almost 210,000 hectares. This Natural Park is the largest protected area in ​​Spain and the second in Europe, and, of course, one of the most popular in the whole of Andalusia.


A natural environment for all tastes and ages, where you can find peace-and-quiet if that's what you fancy, or a whole host of activity-based and cultural tourism activities, hiking routes, horseback riding, off-road driving, and - for the more adventurous - activities such as canyoning, caving or ziplining.


A setting that won't cease to amaze you with its wonderful waterfalls, rivers and gorges surrounded by lush forests, as well as numerous villages with castles and whitewashed streets, and even remote mountain hamlets. This is all complemented by the spectacular local cuisine, yet another reason to experience this destination.

Further information

Plan your trip

Where to stay

Currency and customs
