
Discover the allure of Moroccan culture

Famous for its ancient walled city, Fez is undoubtedly a city to experience with all five senses. If you are looking to discover an authentic world that has been preserved for centuries, there is nothing better than taking a trip to the city of Fez, the oldest of Morocco’s imperial cities. Declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, it boasts an outstanding historical legacy that makes it well worth a visit. Fez has the power to cast a spell on any traveller. The Medina, the mausoleums, the Royal Palace, the colourful emblematic tanneries, the bustling souks, its renowned museums, its historical buildings and the Marinid Tombs make up a unique cultural and artistic mosaic that endow the city with a magical atmosphere.


Well-adapted to a modern way of life, you can wander through its streets and discover its traditions, its scents, its customs and its flavours. Allow yourself to be seduced by what is considered Morocco's spiritual heart. Fez is also a centre of arts and sciences and boasts one of the world's oldest universities. Make the most of your visit by stopping by the Fes el-Bali, a UNESCO heritage site and one of the largest markets in the world. A wide variety of handmade objects and garments await you there, guaranteed to become the perfect souvenir of an unforgettable trip.

Moroccan cuisine

Set off on a journey of a thousand flavours

Moroccan cuisine

Morocco has some exquisite traditional dishes to offer. Popular recipes include couscous and tajine.Couscous is a delicious meal traditionally served on Fridays, made from steamed semolina along with vegetables and meat. Try out all of the different varieties – each region of Morocco has its own way of preparing couscous.


You should also know that Morocco's national dish is tajine. It is prepared with stewed meat, chicken or fish and stewed legumes. Moroccans' favorite dishes during Ramadan are Harira, baghrir, delicious crepes with honey, and for dessert they opt for Shebbakia, which are like sweet biscuits.


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Further information

When to go?

Documentation and customs

How to get there

Health and safety

Where to stay

Currencies and exchange rates

Driving in Morocco