
A World Heritage City

Situated on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, Morocco's capital and second-largest city attracts thousands of tourists every year, attracted by its unmistakable style, its cosmopolitan air and its wealth of history. Recognised by UNESCO as a World Heritage City for its beauty and charisma, it has unique gems including the Chellah archaeological site, the Kasbah of the Udayas, the Hassan Mosque, the Hassan Tower and the majestic Mausoleum of Mohammed V, the archaeological museum and more.


The country'sstudent hub, Rabat promises a lively and authentic atmosphere seven days a week. To unwind there's nothing better than strolling through the Andalusian Gardens or having a snack at the classic Café Maure while enjoying beautiful views of the Salé medina and the Atlantic Ocean. Don't leave Rabat without getting a feel for this enigmatic city at its hippest spots and in its bustling souks located in the medina, brimming with carpets, textiles, jewellery and precious handmade items. You are sure to find the perfect souvenir.

Moroccan cuisine

Set off on a journey of a thousand flavours

Moroccan cuisine

Morocco has some exquisite traditional dishes to offer. Popular recipes include couscous and tajine.Couscous is a delicious meal traditionally served on Fridays, made from steamed semolina along with vegetables and meat. Try out all of the different varieties – each region of Morocco has its own way of preparing couscous.


You should also know that Morocco's national dish is tajine. It is prepared with stewed meat, chicken or fish and stewed legumes. Moroccans' favorite dishes during Ramadan are Harira, baghrir, delicious crepes with honey, and for dessert they opt for Shebbakia, which are like sweet biscuits.


Further information

When to go?

Documentation and customs

How to get there

Health and safety

Where to stay

Currencies and exchange rates

Driving in Morocco