Car rental at the airport London We compare all companies, provide 24-hour service and offer free cancellation


FAQs about London

What currency should I pay in if I have any outstanding charges when renting my car at London?
What are the opening hours of the rental offices at London?
If upon arrival at London you wish to purchase additional services or must pay any outstanding charges, you must do so in the currency of United Kingdom, which is GBP.

The most common opening hours for car hire companies at this airport are:

  • Sunday: 08:00-18:00
  • Monday: 07:00-20:45
  • Tuesday: 07:00-20:45
  • Wednesday: 07:00-20:45
  • Thursday: 07:00-20:45
  • Friday: 07:00-20:45
  • Saturday: 07:00-18:00

You'll find more details about the exact times during the booking process.